ACT recognizes the importance of meeting society's needs for the protection of health, safety and environment. It is, therefore, our intention to pro-actively work with employees, customers, suppliers, the public and the governmental agencies in order to achieve the highest possible standards of health, safety and environmental protection. ACT is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all staff, and to providing the resources, information, training and supervision needed to achieve that.
We are committed to:
- Be involved in the workplace health and safety system.
- Stick to correct procedures end equipment.
- Wear protective clothing and equipment as and when required.
- Report any pain or discomfort as soon as possible
- Help new employees, trainees and visitors to the workplace understand the right safety procedures and why they exist.
- Keep the work place tidy to minimize the risk of any trips and falls.
- Identify opportunities for environmental enhancement.
- Comply with relevant Kuwait HSE Legislations and other applicable requirements relating to Quality, Environment and Health & Safety in a socially responsible manner.
- Strict compliance of Customers Health & Safety Rules and its enforcement procedure.
- Communicate QHSE Policy to our employees and all other interested parties
- Enhance client and interested party satisfaction with respect to Quality, Environment and Occupational Health & Safety.